1. Everyone must submit an entry/waiver form and entrance fee. (Waiver forms will also be available at registration)
2. Registration and payment must be submitted on the day of the ride. Check-in/Registration will open at 8:00 a.m.
3. All motorcycles must be registered and insured. Drivers must be properly licensed or hold a valid proper permit.
4. Please attend the pre-ride meeting (15 minutes before the ride)
5. The use of alcohol or any substance that affects the ability to operate or control his or her vehicle or may be considered hazardous to the health and safety of participants and spectators is strictly forbidden. Any participant found to be in violation of this rule will be asked to leave the event. Registration fees are non-refundable!
6. The “ROAD GUARDS” are there for your protection. Please follow their direction in the event of an emergency!
7. NO stunt riding or other negligent or reckless conduct of any kind will be tolerated. Any participant found to be in violation of this rule will be asked to leave the event. Registration fees are non-refundable.
8. We will ride in staggered double-file formation in order to provide room for maneuverability. Please try not to bunch up or ride side-by-side.
9. Single line spread out on narrow back roads If you must leave the line, do so in an open safe area
10. Once you leave the ride, you may only re-enter at the back of the pack.
11. This is NOT a race or timed event. BE SAFE! If you are driving, observe all traffic laws and be a defensive, courteous motorist. The group will employ “road guards” and have traffic control in place in some locations, however always expect the unexpected and drive defensively.